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Tsering Art School Exhibition 2012

Tsering Art school.,Shechen Monastery, Boudha,Kathmandu,Nepal

The 2nd exhibition of thangka paintings by teachers, graduate artists, students & Works from the collection of Shechen Monastery.

Official opening
Saturday 31 March
Exhibition open daily until Tuesday April 4th
At Tsering Art School in the Shechen Monastery, Boudha, Kathmandu


Thangka Exhibition at Hong Kong in 2015.

An exhibition of the work and talents of artists from Shechen’s Tsering Art School was on display in Hong Kong. Six senior artists and teachers traveled from Nepal to participate in the show. Over fifteen thangkas were on display in the large hall and the artists created a Vajrasattva sand mandala.
The teachers  conducted demonstrations and a thangka painting workshop. Konchog Lhadrepa, the master painter and dean of the school, gave a series of talks on the art of thangka painting and the meaning of mandalas.
The show was organized by the local Shangpa Kagyu Center and ran from July 3 – 12.


Thangka Exhibition Hong Kong 2016

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