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School Timetable

The Thangka Painting course runs for 10 months per year for six years.  Classes are five and a half days each week, with Sundays off.  The day commences at 8 am with morning prayers and then the drawing classes commence  until 11.15 am.  Color class begins at 1.30 and the day ends at 4.30 pm with prayers. 

Official School Holiday Dates

Nepali Buddha Jayanti

Saga Dawa Duchen (Buddha Sakyamun's Birth,

Enlightenment and Parinirvana)

Zamling Chisang (Universal Prayer day)

July 6th

H. H. Dalai Lama's birthday

Chokhor Duchen (Buddha Sakyamuni's first teaching)

Nepali Dassain

Yarne (End of rainy season summer retreat)

H.H.Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche's Anniversary

Lha Bab Duchen (Buddha Sakyamuni's descent from heaven)

December 10th H.H. Dalai Lama Nobel Peace Prize 1989 Anniversary

Ngenpa Gu Dzom The nine bad omens

Zangpo Chu Dzom (Ten auspicious omens)

January 1 Western New Years Day

Losar (Tibetan New Year)

Chodrun Duchen (Day of Offering)

Annual School Break

From the 15th of the 2nd Tibetan month to the 9th  of the 4th month we have 2 months holiday, as the students must arrive back to school one week early.

Opening Hours 

Monday - Friday   8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday   8:00 am -12 pm
Sunday   Closed

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