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Student sponsorship appeal

The school relies on sponsorship for the school fees of the poorer students, in particular the young Tibetan refugees and students from poor Nepalese, Indian and Bhutanese families.

The sponsorship program has enabled many students from impoverished backgrounds to complete the course and helps give them a future in being able to earn a living from fulfilling commissions for devotees.  The training also gives them a firm ethical basis in the Buddhist teachings.  A sponsor will be given one thangka from the student they sponsor over the six year course.  

Additional monies provided by a sponsor can be used as pocket money for the student to purchase necessary items such as art materials, clothes, toiletries and medicine.

A separate fund is established for one-off donations that are put towards medical supplies and school fees for the poorer students that haven’t been covered by sponsorship to date.  


  • Boarding students: NRs.100, 000 per year (at an average rate of 120 Rs to the dollar in 2022 is about USD $834 per annum)

  • Day students: 25,000 per year (c $209 USD per annum)


Please refer to websites such as the one provided here for current exchange rates:

Contact the school administrator Miss Tsering Dolma on the Tsering Art School email and she will provide you with profiles of the day and boarding students needing sponsorship and provide bank account details for money transfers.

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